
Normandie Web Xperts

A collective of digital entrepreneurs whose aim is to bring together professionals in the sector to create synergies and develop the local economy.


Strategy and auditing, natural and paid search to acquire new customers, development of web and mobile applications, great care is taken to build customer loyalty. To ensure the success of your project, we will be in regular contact with you, gradually building effective, sustainable and secure solutions.

The French Tech Rouen Normandie

Unite the Rouen area ecosystem. Helping local start-ups to grow and become world champions.


Le Pressing is an independent, pure-play digital agency based in Paris. Our expertise lies in content creation, or brand content, UX design and UI design. We’ve been working with brands, companies, institutions and start-ups for over 15 years. Ergonomics, UX design, UI design, consultancy, strategy, content or brand content and development, Le Pressing creates original online campaigns and projects.